Can I pick up my order?
Unfortunately, at this time, orders must be placed online and shipped to you.
Can I ship the order to the nearest Canada Post office?
Yes, this is possible! You’ll have to sign up for Canada Post’s Flex Delivery service and use the address they provide.
Do you ship outside of Canada?
We do not ship outside of Canada.
How long does delivery take?
Orders typically take 2-8 business days from the date shipped to arrive; sometimes, it may take longer due to weather conditions and other delays. If you live in a remote area, your order may take an extra few days. Canada Post manages the shipping of your package; we will not refund your shipping amount if Canada Post is late on delivery.
How long until my order ships?
Orders may take up to 3 days to ship, especially for orders made on Friday afternoons or those requiring special handling. Tracking updates may take up to 24 hours on weekdays and 3 days on weekends.
How long does delivery take?
After you confirm that your order is packaged and completed, we will drop off orders to Canada Post every business day between 2-4 pm PST. If your order is completed after this time or during the weekend, it will be dropped off the following business day.